How to use AI to clean our Earth?
Problem:Now many peope are lazy to throw garbage in to trashcan.
1. make robot and its function is when he saw a garbage he will pick up and throw in the right
2. make robot and its function is
suck the smoke.
3. make robot and its function is robot see us throw garbage and it will tell him don’t throw garbage.
1. AI can pick up trash and throw it into garbage.
2. Now many human making smoke and can stop it ,so we use AI to suck the smoke.
3. Somepeople see someone throwing thing and tell him don’t throw thing and they don’t listen it.And we use AI to tell him to throw it ,if he don’t listen he will fight with him.
How to implement:
1. The govt sponser money to make robot.
2. THE govt tell everybody need to buy a robot.
3. The govt tell everyone don’t smoke please.