2009年5月2日 星期六


The thirttenth day we come to Hong Kong airport.And we come to Taiwan by airplane.When we come back to Taiwan it was so~~hot.We take our loggage and go to high way by bus.I saw my mom and Jerrys mom in Taipi high way.We come back to Tainan.I,JERRY,Matthew.Mtthew houng,Robert,and Aaron go to eat soushi.


Next day we take a bus to another place.And their is many squrriel.W watch finish and go to the airport.AND WE COME BACK TO HONG KONG!


The eleventh day we come back to Helensiki by boat.And then we go to see many place. We go to a church.And we take many picture but we cant go inside the church.And we go to front their is a teleloscope. Down is all the Helensiki,it was so beautiful.0And we buy many souvenier.I buy two east egg it all made by crystal.But it is so expensive.It cost 37 euro and the other is47 euro.And we go to shopping mall.Suddenly Matthew HOUGN was crying.Because he didnt buy his east egg.So he is crying.Because we are late.So we buy very quick.So mathew ku,s mom didnt have time to buy so she forget.So we go back and buy.We buy finish and go to shopping mall.An d we go back to hotel and eat dinner.

2009年4月20日 星期一


Next day, we eat breakfast in hotel. And we take a bus to dock. We take a boat to Talin.It takes for two hours.I buy frenchfries,ice-cream,and coke in the restaurant.It is really yummy.And we play poker in the restaurant. And we got to Talin.This is my first time to travel by boat.There are supermarket,restaurant,pub...in boat. We go to hotel and put our luggage and then we go down stair to eat lunch.Their soap is really yummy. But the pork is too hard to bite. We visit many places. We go to church and buy many souvenirs. I buy two east eggs, one is for my mother and the other is for my sister,and chocolates for my classmatets. And then,we see many souveniers, but all things are so expensive.So I didn't buy anything.

2009年4月19日 星期日


Next day we go back to Helensiki.And our hotel is Sokos.Our teacher say ten-thirty take your backpge to the loby.And in ten-thirty ,I take my backage and go to write my blogger home work.I am so tired So I GO TO SLEEP!


Next day is the last day of the Arrena.And our team teach robot.It is hard.Because one robot will make a long time.So I teach long time ago and made a robot.But my student ws gone. He didn,t take his robot.So I gi ve to my teacher George.I was very angry.Because he didn,t do any thing I just H\him do all the robot,and he didn,t do any thing.So I am angry.We finish teaching robot and we have a dinner in Arrekki,s house.Their meatball is yummy. And down stair have PS3.It is really fun.It isa car race game.And we play finish and go to hotel and sleep.


The seventh day,we go to Arrena. We see many country in the Arrena.I see Maliasiya,Iran,and,India.My first thing isour teaam go to see mant country.When we visit finish,we will change another thing.And then we teach zai wai u in chen vi.It is very bored.Because their is no passenger go to here.They think it is bored.And next I introduce passenger.It is really fun.Because I CAN LEARN MANY NEW FRIEND!Now is 4 o,clock.We go to many seat place and sit down.And we get a champion award.We are so happy.And finish we eat dinner in Areena.It is yummy.We eat finish can take a picture of award.AND WE GO TO TAKE A picture.We take picture finshed and go to hotel.And take a bath and sleep.