2009年4月19日 星期日


The seventh day,we go to Arrena. We see many country in the Arrena.I see Maliasiya,Iran,and,India.My first thing isour teaam go to see mant country.When we visit finish,we will change another thing.And then we teach zai wai u in chen vi.It is very bored.Because their is no passenger go to here.They think it is bored.And next I introduce passenger.It is really fun.Because I CAN LEARN MANY NEW FRIEND!Now is 4 o,clock.We go to many seat place and sit down.And we get a champion award.We are so happy.And finish we eat dinner in Areena.It is yummy.We eat finish can take a picture of award.AND WE GO TO TAKE A picture.We take picture finshed and go to hotel.And take a bath and sleep.

1 則留言:

  1. dear Eric, I was so impressived by your self-confidence and fluent English when you intrduced Finish or foreigners, no matter kids or adults. I am so proud of you! Keep going on learning and I believe someday you'll feel proud of your ownself! ---Bonnie
