The third day I wake up and it is near to our location.Our location is north pole.Now is nine o,clock.We got to our location.And it was really cold. And we got to our bus.We go to the northest Mchdonald.And we eat our lunch in Mchdonald.And we go to ski.But we didn,t ski we play snow war.It was really fun.And finnish we go to our real location,Santa Clusvillge.Tjher don,t have snow there just have ice.So we didn,t play snow war. We go to take a photo Santa Clus.And their one photo is really expensive.One photo 25 euro.And we saw two big snow men.And a wall write north pole line.We go inside the line is in north pole.If you out of line isnot in north pole.We finish shopping we go to the train station.And go to Helenski.